Connected products

Modern User Testing for IoT & Connected Products

Every year, thousands of IoT and connected products are introduced into the market, and a majority fail to gain traction with customers due to compatibility and complexity issues. Get ahead of the game by leveraging Centercode’s modern user testing solutions to gain greater customer insights for building world-class products.

Unlock Efficient, Effective User Testing

Reduce Launch Delays with Enhanced User Testing

Go beyond a bug hunt and enrich the value of quality testing with feedback from real customers testing your IoT products in real environments. Centercode delivers the only tool designed to make integrating real users into product testing initiatives easy, efficient, and cost-effective.

Support Team Success Starts with Early Feedback

Today’s Support teams play a key role in ensuring customer satisfaction with your product and your brand. Nearly one-fourth of IoT support calls result in product returns. Testing with Centercode helps identify pre-release product issues and ensures your Support team is ready on Day 1.

Don’t Wait for Launch to Gather Feedback

It’s a fact: more than 80% of new IoT product launches fail to make a positive first impression. In a marketplace where product experiences are communicated publicly and instantaneously, it can be fatal to wait until after release to collect and act on feedback from real customers.

On-Demand Webinar

IoT: Testing Beyond the Lab

Discover user testing techniques that help you address the challenges involved with delivering high-performance connected products.

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Centercode Solutions for Connected Products

Enhance Your User Testing Program

67% of customer churn can be prevented by resolving issues early. Disrupt the IoT industry and beat the competition by leveraging your target market before launch. Real-world user feedback provides insights on your product roadmap, reveals customer expectations, and ensures the product works in diverse environments.

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Stay In Tune with the Voice of the Customer for Future Releases

As project teams become more agile and continuous development becomes more established, your ability to remain flexible with the help of customer feedback is key if you want to keep up. Ensure your testing and development teams leverage customer feedback to produce high-quality products with Continuous User Testing.

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Actionable Product Insights Delivered On Demand

Since 2001, Centercode has helped hundreds of companies manage user tests to improve their products and gain greater product insight. Don't stress about limited experience, resources, or time - let our experts manage your user testing projects so you can focus on building a successful product portfolio.

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Wyze Innovates Testing for Smart Products

Since onboarding with Centercode, Wyze has increased feedback triage and prioritization efficiency by 80%. They're also seeing big gains in engagement, with over 70% of testers are submitting feedback in their user testing projects.

Read the case study

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