SaaS & Desktop Software

Modern User Testing for SaaS & Desktop Software

With the increasing complexity of business strategies, success for software means being able to continuously address the evolving needs of many user and stakeholder groups. Getting customers involved in development early on is the only way to co-create customer-validated solutions that make your competitors green with envy.

Integrate Modern User Testing Into Development

Identify Bugs Early and Avoid Crippling Dev Costs

The cost of fixing an issue after release can be up to 100x higher than if it were fixed prior to launch. Leveraging customer feedback helps you resolve issues early to save money on engineering and support.

Reduce Churn by Aligning Your Roadmap

Co-create features that ensure high customer retention with the help of early user testing to discover pain points and delights. These insights help bring the voice of the customer to your roadmap sessions.

Capture New Markets with Help From Customers

Leverage pre-release product insights from your customers to improve your product, hone your messaging, and discover new opportunities and markets before your product has even hit shelves.

On-Demand Webinar

Running a Successful B2B Beta Test

Use these tips to save time, money, and resources during your B2B Beta Test so you can hit the ground running at launch with happy customers.

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Centercode Solutions for SaaS & Desktop Software

Launch Your Product With Confidence

Fuel development, expand testing coverage, and ensure high-quality product releases with help from your target market and Centercode's Product Launch Testing. This comprehensive approach accelerates development and helps you deliver a product that's aligned with market expectations and user needs.

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Instant Access to Customer Insights

Engage with a persistent group of key customers to capture feedback that drives your product roadmap, messaging, and release decisions for better adoption and retention after launch. Centercode's automated, all-in-one solution means capturing these insights is a breeze.

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Keep the Customer's Voice Top of Mind

Remain flexible with testing that is aligned with your market and needs. Co-create products with your users to ensure that you're able to continue meeting their evolving needs with Continuous User Testing. Improve product quality, help prioritize your backlog, and empower your team to launch confidently.

Learn how
User creating a report on a laptop

Tableau Streamlines Software Testing

With Centercode’s automation for agile and continuous user testing, Tableau is doubling their productivity. Now, they're gathering customer insights earlier in development and co-creating new features at scale with their customers.

Read the case study

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