Media & Services

Modern User Testing for Media & Service Products

In a world with increasing alternatives and dwindling attention spans, customer retention is key to success for media product, content, and service providers. Keeping up with ever-evolving customer expectations means validating your products before release so you can launch amazing products and edge out the competition.

Become Customer Obsessed, Upgrade Your Beta

Listening to Customers Means More Streaming Hours

User testing programs give your customers a voice, offering teams insights into their needs and expectations. Leverage their feedback to deliver products that consistently captivate audiences.

Success in Support Starts with Early Feedback

Support teams are key to customer satisfaction. Effective beta testing identifies pre-release feedback, reducing call volumes, improving resolution times, and enhancing customer experiences.

Expand Your Audience and Increase Revenue

Great beta tests pinpoint product issues and delights early. Use customer feedback to ensure your product meets expectations, leading to higher ratings, increased revenue, and greater profits.

On-Demand Webinar

Building the Voice of the Customer into Your Product Development

Learn how to leverage feedback from your customers with different stakeholders in your company to build habit-forming products.

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Centercode Solutions for Media & Services

Actionable Product Insights Delivered On Demand

Since 2001, Centercode has helped the world’s leading media and service brands execute hundreds of tests to gain deeper customer insight. Let our experts manage your tests so you can focus on building and launching world-class products to fans everywhere.

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Replace Legacy Tools to Make Your Team’s Life Easier

Executing on an effective, efficient user testing program shouldn't require a complex, interconnected set of cumbersome tools. Leverage a robust end-to-end platform to manage your company's entire user testing workload, modernize your program, and simplify your efforts.

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Tune into the Voice of the Customer

Continuous User Testing aligns with Agile Development and Continuous Delivery to provide rapid product and customer feedback. Improve your builds faster, prioritize your backlogs, define your roadmap, and launch products with confidence.

Learn how

Get Started for Free or Schedule a Live Demo to Learn More