Wednesday, March 6, 2023
6:00 PM EST
South Line Brewing Co.
508 Old Apex Rd
Cary, NC 27511
6:00 PM - Networking & Dinner
Meet local product professionals and share best practices (and horror stories) on user testing over dinner and drinks.
7:00 PM - Welcome & Intro to Centercode
Get a brief introduction to Centercode and our mission to improve the positive impact technology has on the world.
7:15 PM - Resourceful Innovation
Explore how to increase your value as a critical asset to your organization in uncertain times with CEO Luke Freiler.
8:00 PM - Raffle & Gifts
We'll answer questions about your specific testing challenges and raffle off some exciting tech products as a thank-you!
8:15 PM - Additional Networking
Didn't get a chance to chat with your peers? Catch up and mingle with other local product professionals as the evening winds down.
Benefits of Attending
Build Professional Connections
This is a golden opportunity to connect, share experiences, and build relationships that benefit your development strategies.
Forge Collaborative Strategies
Work with your peers to draft beta testing and product development strategies.
Discover Development Trends
In times of uncertainty, beta testing can help teams maximize business outcomes and guarantee product success.
Enjoy Food and Raffles
Enjoy a scrumptious dinner on the house! And don't miss out on our raffle at the end of the evening.

Luke Freiler
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes. We're hosting this event for locals eager to make personal connections with their peers. There won't be an option for remote attendance.
Yes. We will be catering food and drinks for attendees of the event. We'll email you with more details as we get closer to the date of the event.
No. Attending this event is free.
Of course! We would only ask that they too register for the event. This will help us prepare to accommodate all the attendees.
No. This event is open to non-customers and customers alike.