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Delta Testing


Scalability is the capacity of a system or product to handle an expanding amount of work or data as it increases in size or complexity, without experiencing significant performance degradation or failure.

A scalable system is designed in a way that allows it to handle a larger workload or user base by adding more resources, such as processing power, memory, or storage capacity, as needed. This can be achieved through the use of distributed computing, load balancing, or other techniques that distribute the workload across multiple systems or nodes.

Scalability is a crucial consideration in the design and development of software systems, as it can significantly impact the system's ability to handle increasing levels of demand or user traffic. A system that is not designed with scalability in mind may become overwhelmed and experience slow response times or even complete failure as the workload grows.

Scalability testing is often conducted to evaluate the system's ability to handle increasing levels of demand and to identify any performance bottlenecks or limitations. This testing involves simulating a large workload or user base and measuring the system's response times, throughput, and other key performance indicators.

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