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Centercode News

What’s New in Our November 2014 Release

November 26, 2014

Our November 2014 Release has some great new features that build on the significant leaps we made with our big June Release earlier this year. We’re constantly striving to provide better, more efficient tools for you to run your beta program, and this release is no different. The following are the key highlights of this release. For complete details, please check out our in-depth release notes.

List Table Refresh

With this release we’ve completely redesigned the “List Tables” used throughout Centercode. This includes both tables that are intended to manage objects, as well as data. These changes provide a much more consistent and modern feel, while omitting unnecessarily repeated information. Also, list tables will now include Drag and Drop Row Ordering, Inline Delete, and On-Hover Actions to make viewing and managing your data easier.


Feedback Overview Widget and Index

In our last major release we introduced a hybrid of traditional User Forums and our Feedback Engine designed to allow a more collaborative feedback experience. In this release we’re adding a user forum style widget on both the project homepage and feedback group page which provides a simple overview for testers of feedback in the project.

Feedback Overview 2

My Opportunities List

With this release, we’re introducing a My Opportunities section to community members’ homepages. In this section, applicants can view opportunities they’ve applied for but haven’t been selected for yet. If they’re selected to participate in an opportunity, this project will then be automatically moved to their My Projects list.

My Opportunities List

User Project History

Now, you’ll be able to view the projects that users are involved with directly from their User Summary. This history includes projects they’re a member of, which teams they’re currently on, their scores within those projects, how many times they’ve logged into those projects, as well as the dates that they joined each of the projects.

Project History

Recruitment Limiting

For Impact and Enterprise Edition customers, we’ve introduced a new capability to create one filter that will apply to all Project Recruitments in a Department. We’ve found that often Project Managers have to add the same filter criteria to every recruitment to keep out users with low scores or competitors. This feature will eliminate that extra work and allow different Departments to only recruit members of the community that fit their base criteria into their projects.

Centercode Early Access Program

We’re introducing a formal opportunity for customers to join our beta program and get early access to Centercode releases. They’ll also have the chance to give feedback on our roadmap, enabling them to influence our ongoing releases and product direction.

Along with these new features, this release also includes a collection of minor improvements, security enhancements, and bug fixes. For a more in-depth explanation of everything in this release, take a look at our complete November 2014 Release Notes. To help you make the most of this release, the notes also include detailed instructions and tips on how to use these new features.

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