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Test Management

Centercode Key Performance Indicators: Impact Score

July 14, 2022

This week we round out our series on the Centercode Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) by discussing testing Delta Impact Score. Impact measures the effectiveness of your test by comparing the difference between your success prediction without feedback addressed (i.e. if the product had gone to market without this test) versus your success score based on the feedback you successfully addressed (i.e. the product now). Like our other KPIs (Delta Health and Delta Success), the Delta Impact Score is available at the project, phase, and feature levels. In general, it serves as a type of measurement for return on investment (ROI).  It’s easy to get bogged down fixing issues and implementing ideas, so we designed Impact to surface the progress you’ve made in an easy to digest metric.  Let’s dive into impact starting with how it works in the platform.

In our previous post on success scores, we briefly talked about how success is calculated based on a number of parameters to ensure it can be tailored to your specific product goals.  However, the core mechanic we use is that issues and ideas reduce your success while praise increases it. So how do you ever overcome the initial influx of issues and ideas dragging down your success score?  That’s simple, address the feedback by fixing those issues and implementing the good ideas.  

When you’re viewing a piece of feedback that you own you’ll see a “status” element with a number of options in a drop down menu.  If you’ve fixed an issue or implemented a good idea, select “fixed” (issues) or “implemented” (ideas) and submit your changes. Or if you’ve integrated with JIRA, you can set up Centercode to automatically change the status based on the status in JIRA (requires Enhanced Integrations).

Centercode Key Performance Indicators: Impact Score
Figure 1.  Addressing an Issue by changing its status to Fixed

By marking the status in the ways described above (fixed/implemented), Centercode will ignore the negative contribution from that piece of feedback when calculating success, causing the score to rise.  The higher the feedback prioritization score on a specific piece of feedback, the bigger the change in overall success score. When calculating Delta Impact, we compare that new, higher success score with what the score would have been if the feedback wasn’t addressed and display it as a percentage.

As I mentioned earlier, the Delta Impact KPI is available at the project level, where you can use it to analyze the overall ROI for the test. Also, by reviewing the Delta Impact score for each individual feature, you can see the exact feature(s) where you and your team made the biggest improvements.

To wrap things up, I’ll leave you with one final tip regarding all three of our KPIs.  If you find yourself needing a quick refresher on the Delta KPIs and how they’re calculated you can click the informative mode toggle on the KPI panel of your dashboard to see a quick definition alongside your current scores.

Centercode Key Performance Indicators: Impact Score
Figure 2. Informative mode for Delta KPIs

Check out Rob's write-ups on the remaining Delta KPIs:

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