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Centercode News

Connect 9.1 Released!

November 25, 2009

We’re proud to announce that Centercode Connect 9.1 has completed its test phase, and will be posted to live servers starting next week. This release focuses on the introduction of Project Wikis, a collaborative system which offers entirely new ways to engage your participants, allowing them to help improve your existing materials, or develop completely new ones from scratch. Participant contributed materials might include product documentation, support, marketing messaging, or whatever else you envision. In addition, we’ve put a great deal of work into simplifying the project creation process, while improving the entire set of project management tools. The following is a summary of the release notes, as well as a link to the complete details, including detailed documentation for all of Centercode Connect’s new functionality.

Major Highlights

  • Project Wikis – An entirely new collaborative feedback module for participants
  • Project Menu & Tool Revamp – More flexible and customizable project menu tools
  • Simpler Project Creation – Streamlined project creation process
  • FTP Release/Content Upload – Project managers may now upload releases and content via FTP
  • External Destination File Attachments – Connect will now send file attachments with feedback

Other Changes

  • New Project Roles – Project roles are now more consistent to match each project tool
  • Module Activities – Tools now split activities and related sections, highlighting useful features
  • Quick Report Links – Reportable areas now include links to create quick reports for that item
  • Disable Community Sign-Ups – Community sign-ups may now be disabled at any time
  • Improved Rich Text Editing– The rich text editor now offers improved pasting from MS Word
  • Consistency Passes – We’ve cleaned up many strings, page titles, trail navigations, and success messages

In addition to these changes we’ve incorporated over 30 substantial bug fixes and improved performance in various areas.
Download Complete Connect 9.1 Release Notes & Documentation

Thanks and happy holidays!

Neil @ Centercode

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