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How Stakeholders are Involved in Beta Tests

March 30, 2023

Assembling the right management team for a beta is a fundamental step to a successful test. The stakeholder team is responsible for managing and coordinating the beta test, gathering and analyzing feedback from beta testers, and working with the development team to address any issues that are identified.

But who should be on the beta team? Let’s explore the key roles and responsibilities of the beta team, and provide tips on how to choose the right team members to ensure the success of your beta test.

The Product Owner / Product Manager 

The product owner or product manager is responsible for overseeing the beta test and ensuring it aligns with the overall goals and objectives of the product. They work closely with the development team to implement changes based on beta test feedback and ensure the product is ready for general release.

They are usually responsible for the following tasks:

  • Defining the Scope and Goals of the Beta Test. The product owner works with the development team and other stakeholders to define the scope and goals of the beta test. They identify specific features or functionality that will be tested, as well as the target audience and user groups for the beta test.
  • Choosing and Recruiting Beta Testers. The product owner is responsible for selecting and recruiting beta testers who will be invited to participate in the beta test. They identify and reach out to potential testers, as well as provide them with the necessary information and resources to participate in the beta test.
  • Managing the Beta Test. The product owner is responsible for overseeing the beta test and ensuring that it is run smoothly and efficiently. They coordinate with the development team and support team to provide beta testers with the necessary resources and support, and track the progress of the beta test to ensure it’s on schedule.
  • Analyzing and Incorporating Feedback. The product owner is responsible for reviewing and analyzing the feedback from beta testers, and using it to identify areas for improvement in the product. They will work with the development team to implement changes based on the feedback, and ensure the product is ready for general release.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, the product owner (or product manager) plays a crucial role in ensuring the success of the beta test and using the feedback from beta testers to improve the product.

Learn more about how product owners and managers run successful beta tests:

The Development Team

The development team is responsible for implementing changes to the product based on beta test feedback. They work closely with the product owner or manager to identify and address any issues that are identified during the beta test.

They typically handle the following:

  • Review the Feedback from Beta Testers. The development team will carefully review all feedback that has been provided by beta testers and identify common themes or patterns across different testers or different types of feedback.
  • Identify Areas for Improvement. Based on the feedback from beta testers, the development team will identify areas of the product that need improvement. They'll identify specific features or functionality that are causing issues for testers, or broader issues with the user experience or design of the product.
  • Develop a Plan to Address the Feedback. The development team will develop a plan to address the identified issues and areas for improvement. They’ll make changes to the product, or implement new processes or policies to improve the user experience.
  • Implement the Changes. The development team will implement the changes to the product based on the feedback from beta testers. This includes updating the product with new features or functionality, or making changes to the user experience or design of the product.

Read more about how the development team is a crucial asset in beta tests:

The Beta Testers

The beta testers are the users testing the product during a beta test. They’re responsible for providing feedback on their experiences with the product and helping to identify any issues or areas for improvement. Additionally, they can provide feedback on features or experiences that they found to delight or impress them.

Beta testers typically do the following:

  • Install and Use the Product. Beta testers are responsible for installing and using the product during the beta test. They’ll test specific features or functionality, or use the product in their everyday work or personal lives.
  • Provide Feedback. Beta testers are responsible for providing feedback on their experiences with the product by filling out surveys, participating in interviews or focus groups, or providing written feedback.
  • Report Any Issues or Bugs. If beta testers encounter any issues or bugs with the product, they’re responsible for reporting these to the development team. This may include detailed information about the issue, including any error messages or other indicators of the problem.
  • Share Their Experiences with the Product. Beta testers may also be asked to share their experiences with the product with other beta testers or the broader community. They might participate in online forums or social media discussions, or provide testimonials or case studies to be used in marketing materials.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, beta testers play a crucial role in the beta test and help to ensure that the product is ready for general release.

Dive deeper into the power your beta testers have using these guides:

The Beta Support Team

The support team is responsible for providing support and assistance to beta testers during the beta test. This may involve answering their questions, providing technical support, or helping them to get the most out of the product.

The beta support team typically takes care of these tasks:

  • Answer Beta Testers' Questions. The beta support team is available to answer any questions that beta testers may have about the product or the beta test. This may include technical support, explaining how to use certain features, or providing guidance on how to provide feedback.
  • Provide Resources and Tools to Beta Testers. The beta support team will provide beta testers with any necessary resources and tools to help them complete the beta test successfully like access to a private website or testing platform, as well as any necessary instructions or guidelines.
  • Track and Monitor Beta Testers' Progress. The beta support team will track and monitor the progress of beta testers during the beta test. They might track their usage of the product or any feedback they provide, and give them any necessary support or assistance along the way.
  • Coordinate with the Development Team. The beta support team will coordinate with the development team to ensure any issues or concerns raised by beta testers are addressed in a timely manner. They’ll provide the development team with regular updates on the progress of the beta test and any feedback from beta testers.

The beta support team plays a critical role in ensuring the success of the beta test and providing beta testers with the necessary support and assistance to complete the test successfully.

Discover more on creating an effective support team for your beta tests:

By bringing together these key team members, a beta stakeholder team can effectively manage the beta test and use the feedback collected from beta testers to improve their product.

Learn How Centercode Makes Beta Testing Easy
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