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Centercode News

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team

April 23, 2019

Our customers love our Customer Success Team – and for good reason! They’re your first responders, trainers, coaches, and cheerleaders when it comes to using the Centercode Platform and the Customer Validation framework.

In case you only know them from their coaching sessions or quick response time on Intercom, here are the people responsible for helping you navigate your customer tests.

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | Tony Fisher

Tony Fisher

Senior Director of Customer Success

If you could rewrite your job title, what would it be?

Interpreter and Cat Shepherd

How long have you been with Centercode?

Going on eight years. I started as the only SaaS customer support agent. Over time, I built up knowledge and a team to formalize and direct Centercode’s Customer Success department.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

Working with people has always been a crucial part of my employment history. My current position doubles down on that by giving me the opportunity to drive Centercode forward with respect to the customer experience, support, best practices, feature deployment, and proactive success engagement. All these together help our customers make their programs better over time.

What do you think is the coolest feature in the Centercode Platform?

There are a lot of cool features we’ve developed over the years, but Feedback Impact Score (Feedback Scoring) is probably my favorite. With a little planning, Feedback Impact Score takes organic or standardized inputs – things that take very little effort and are commonly assumed – and turns them into potent indicators. By using calculations to convert raw data into actionable recommendations, you can confidently stand with your test results.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on the job?

Someone I respect told me he is genuinely impressed with my potential, capability, dedication, and drive. This is someone who always works hard to embody those qualities himself, so hearing him say it to me was that much more impactful.

Are you more into Star Wars or Game of Thrones?

Game Stars of War Thrones

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone who is just starting out with the Centercode Platform?

Learn the basics. Practice the basics. ‘Team Access’ mistakes constitute a huge portion of our support requests, so it’s crucial to understand how it works.

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | Travis Clifford

Travis Clifford

Customer Success Manager

If you could rewrite your job title, what would it be?

Resident Centercode Cool Guy

How long have you been with Centercode?

It’ll be four years in June. I started mainly in a customer support role but gradually moved into my current position as a customer success manager. It’s a bit like going from reactive support to proactive support.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

The relationships that I get to build with our clients!

What do you think is the coolest feature in the Centercode Platform?

This is probably cheating because it’s not one feature, but Enhanced Integrations. The platform can already do a lot on its own, connecting it to so many other systems makes the possibilities almost limitless.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on the job?

“You have a great voice – have you ever done a podcast?”

Are you more into Star Wars or Game of Thrones?

Star Wars, obviously. Have you seen my desk?

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | Travis shows off his desk

Travis’s desk

What’s the best piece of advice you can give to someone who is just starting out with the Centercode Platform?

Watch the internal training videos and follow along in your portal! Building things out as you watch the videos will give you hands-on training that a lot of people miss when they first onboard.

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | Matt Kapitan

Matt Kapitan

Customer Success Manager

If you could rewrite your job title, what would it be?

Fire Hose Operator

How long have you been with Centercode?

I’ve been at Centercode for about three and a half years. I started on the services side as a tester lead, moved up to test manager, then finally to the Customer Success Team.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

Meeting new clients and training them to use our software.

What do you think is the coolest feature in the Centercode Platform?

Distributed Values. They’ve saved me so much time, and you can use them in some pretty creative ways. For example, say you pre-assign outcoming/incoming tracking numbers when shipping test hardware. You can add the Distributed Value to an email template as a dynamic tag. This way, the email will be personalized with their individual tracking information.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on the job?

Anytime someone expresses that they’ve learned a lot or that I’ve explained something well. I can’t ask for anything more!

Are you more into Star Wars or Game of Thrones?

Star Wars

What’s the best piece of advice you can give someone who is just starting out with the Centercode Platform?

We field a lot of questions related to onboarding, so the best piece of advice I can give is to read (and reread) the Centercode Onboarding Overview. I’d also recommend checking out the Onboarding Troubleshooting FAQ.

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | Jim Le

Jim Le

Customer Success Manager

If you could rewrite your job title, what would it be?


How long have you been with Centercode?

It’s been almost four years.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

In-site chat support! I love talking to people and solving puzzles.

What do you think is the coolest feature in the Centercode Platform?

Macro automation is a huge administrative time saver. It can do team segmentation, scoring, and emails (alongside a bunch of other things).

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on the job?

I just like hearing that I’m doing a good job!

Are you more into Star Wars or Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones

What’s the best piece of advice you can give someone who is just starting out with the Centercode Platform?

Watch our new customer training videos. And sign up for Betabound! You’ll experience the best practices we advocate for firsthand from a tester perspective.

Meet the Centercode Customer Success Team | TJ McCabe

TJ McCabe

Customer Success Manager

If you could rewrite your job title, what would it be?

Resident Centercode Cooler Guy

How long have you been with Centercode?

Over three years now! I started a tester lead, became a test manager, and now I’m here. Taking that path gave me a lot of experience both with the platform and managing projects. It’s helped me a great deal professionally.

What’s your favorite part of the job?

The amazing team I get to work with every day.

What do you think is the coolest feature in the Centercode Platform?

Distributed Values still wow me sometimes.

What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received on the job?

It was simple but it meant a lot: “Great as always.”

Are you more into Star Wars or Game of Thrones?

Game of Thrones

What’s the best piece of advice you can give someone who is just starting out with the Centercode Platform?

Explore! Mess around with features you don’t understand, then head to our platform help page to learn more about them. Reach out when you get stuck or when you think of a feature that would make your life easier. We might already have it – and if we don’t, we’ll ask the Dev Team to put it in. Feedback from users is as important to us as it is to you. 🙂

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