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Test Management

Part Two of the Beta Testing 101 Podcast with Pragmatic Live

July 21, 2016

Part two of Pragmatic Marketing’s Beta Testing 101 podcast, guest starring Centercode’s Director of Marketing Emily Hossellman, is now available. While part one looked into the essentials and best practices of running a successful beta test, this podcast dives into how beta tests can help you make data-driven decisions.

EHossellman 2016 headshot

Exploring how feedback from a well-run beta test can provide insights that affect a variety of areas of your product, Emily discusses how this data can be used by your dev and QA teams, as well as your support and marketing departments.

Emily also discusses how your team can use beta testing to integrate the voice of the customer throughout your product development lifecycle.

You can listen to the podcast below or head over to the Pragmatic Live page for more details.

Learn How Centercode Makes Beta Testing Easy
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